Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Bloody Sunday!

Sunday Bloody Sunday!

I can't believe we are already 4 days into September. Sorry there hasn't been any Halloween updates. I have again not been feeling so well and this week was a little busy so I didn't really get out as much as I wanted too. Plus we had this crazy heat wave come and it was too hot to leave little Bacon in the car or be out for long periods of time. I will definitely have some Halloween updates this week! 

30 Days of Horror Challenge: Day 04 - Your favorite werewolf film:
Again this is a really hard question because I have so many favorites for different reasons. Of course the original Wolfman is a classic and totally amazing. I have my favorite 'serious' werewollf film, my favorite not so serious werewolf film, and the favorite that's not even considered a horror film werewolf film. So just picking one is a stupid idea, I am really starting to hate the idea of this. But I guess if I have to pick one I will go with The Howling III. I know your probably thinking "why would you pick this as your favorite?". But I have some series love for this film. I am a big fan of ozploitation and this movie is just so over the top that it's good. The idea of marsupial werewolfs is the best thing ever and a new take on werewolfs. I love when someone takes something and reinvents it to make it a little different so it's not so repetitive as every other werewolf film tends to be (not saying that it's always a bad thing but sometimes different is good). They had a really great cast and the special effects are so bad that it just really gives a little extra to the film. There are several subplots going on that it keeps you hooked into the story line. Plus if you like to laugh this is a good one for that. All and all there are so many great werewolf films but this one definitely in the top for me!

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