Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Bloody Sunday!

It is a beautiful Fall Sunday afternoon, not sure why I am on here instead of out doing fun Fall activities but it happens. The closer and closer October gets the more excited I get!

 Here are this years Halloween scratch offs. Even though I find scratch offs to be a waste of money and time I always find the need to buy 2 Halloween ones just for the art work. I ruin the art work to find I have won nothing and totally regret messing up the artwork. Silly lottery tickets, but they were cute before I scratched them at least.

This is what we called the clot sucker. I use to find Halloween candy so much fun but now it seems to be the same thing every year, nothing to really get excited about. I thought this one looked kinda cool so I got it for a friend of mine so I have no idea is if taste good or not but at least it looks awesome.

I'm going to start off saying I saw these online a few weeks ago and have been on the look out for them ever since. I am a 8 year old at heart and love coloring plus I really liked the artwork (again with the artwork). They are suppose to glow in the dark and I figured ok we could color, frame them and hang them in our bedroom because we have black lights all the way around the room and they would look awesome in there. So after Breakfast yesterday we decided to stop at target to get a PSN card and I found them. I was stoked! Well after our company went home last night the first thing I did was open them and I am actually surprised that I could wait that long because I like to open things right away. Well yes the artwork was awesome but I than I discovered that you color them with the one marker and go over it with this glow marker and they only glow for 4 hours. Plus the marker that you use to color them totally sucks and smells awful (so awful that it made me really sick and gave me the worse headache). As much as I like the artwork I totally regret spending 4.99 plus tax a piece for these two Glow Explosion Marker sets.

We found this cute little guy at Target the other day and the Mister decided he belonged in our place. His head was coming off and we have this habit of buying broken things that we don't think others will buy since they are broken. The lady at the checkout gave us 15% off because of his head coming off, once I got home I got out the hot glue gun and he was all better. So now he fits in well at our misfit house.

 I post random things from around our place and I figured it was time to do the halloween tree and share! 

One last picture for the day is adorable Claret in one of her Fall dresses! 

30 Day Horror Challenge : Day 25 - A horror film that you used to hate, but now like :

I kinda talked about this already when I answered another question. But a horror film that I use to hate but now like would have to be Rob Zombie's Halloween from 2007. I was there to see this film opening night, I was a tad worried since I don't think really great classics like Halloween should ever be remade but what can you do. After the movie was all over and done with I hated it. Even though I love Rob Zombie, I hated what he did to Halloween. I wanted nothing to do with it. Well when it came out on dvd I didn't buy it but I wanted to see the special features, I am a sucker for special features especially since I wanted to hear what Rob had to say about it. Well I watched it with the Mister and all he did was hate on it and hate on it so I decided to watch it the next say by myself. When I watched it alone I found that I didn't actually hate it I just needed to look at it differently. I know it's not a great movie, that is why I call it one of my guilty pleasures. It's a terrible movie but I enjoy the white trash factor, plus lets be honest it has some really hot ladies in it. Sometimes hot ladies can really help a movie out. Horror really is all about the blood, gore and boobs after all. The Mister does nothing but give me a hard time for enjoying this film but I still watch it. 


Anonymous said...

I love the photos! Makes me feel even more excited about my favorite time of the year! XD Thanks for sharing!

Spook Show Angel said...

Thanks for checking my Blog out!

Anonymous said...

I still HATE this movie. Other than the boobs it was a waste of an hour and a half of my life. Michael M. was never supposed to grunt as if he were the star in a donkey show! Damn you Rob for selling sheep on a turd! I love you Angel but If you could see me now I am shaking my head (sad)

(oh look it's Michael in a wheat field)

Spook Show Angel said...

There is nothing wrong with a Donkey show though just so you know and no need to damn Rob, we all make mistakes and sometimes a crappy remake. Oh yeah don't shake your head and judge me Mister, we all have a guilty pleasure!