Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Bloody Sunday

 30 Day Horror Challenge: Day 17 - Your favorite horror film remake:
I can't really think of a favorite horror remake. Most of the time I hate them and find them not even worth checking out. But there is some rare times when a remake is pretty good. There are a few that I actually like a lot like The Blob, Piranha, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Toolbox Murders, 2001 Maniacs, The Amityville Horror, Wizard of Gore , The Omen and so on but I am not really sure about a favorite. After thinking about it for a little bit, I think it has to be Night of the Demons remake from 2010. It had a really good cast and the story line / plot had the same idea but still changed it up and not in bad way. But the major selling point for me with this remake is the fact that the soundtrack is so freaking awesome. It has some of my all time favorite bands / songs and a good soundtrack is always important to me. It can make a good movie even better. 

Day 18 - Your favorite foreign horror film (outside of your country of origin)

My favorite foreign horror film has to be Let the Right One In from 2008. This was a really unique take on the vampire films. It focuses on a little girl, her guardian and a boy who lives next door who forms a unique bond with her and the story just unfolds into their world. The story line / plot pulls you in, entertains you and really makes you connect with the characters. Such a great cast, everyone was perfect for their part. This is one of those movies I can watch all the time and enjoy it more and more.

I was going to do a Halloween post but to be honest yesterday was such a long day that I just feel the need to do nothing more than watch some crappy horror movies and chill out. Hope everyone is enjoying them Sunday!


Budd said...

I have liked the novel and both movie versions of let the right one in. The Swedish was the best though.

Spook Show Angel said...

I loved the novel and both films as well but the Swedish version has the best feel!