Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Thursday and the first day of September!

Happy first day of September! Now we are only 1 month away from October. I decided for the month of September I will do the 30 days of horror challenge but still keep up on my regular post. I figured the 30 day challenge will get me back into the habit of posting more since having such a horrible year has taken the fun out of everything for me. Well here goes day one...

Day 01 - A horror film that no one would expect you to love, but you do:
Let's see, a horror film that no one would expect me to love but I do. I guess that would be Rob Zombie's Halloween II. I will start off saying if you read my blog you know I have been a huge fan of all things Rob Zombie since I was little and heard White Zombie for the first time. So of course when he started doing horror films I was super stoked. But when he remade Halloween I was really disappointed in it and it took me a while to see if for what it is. First off you can't remake classics like Halloween and expect them to even come close to how great the original is. Plus Zombie didn't do the best job but again who can do a good job remaking classics. Once Halloween II came out I hated on it the first time I saw it but my mind changed a bit when I watched it again by myself  and I started looking at it a little differently. I love watching Halloween II now just for the white trash factor alone. Most of the people who know me know that it takes a lot to impress when it comes to horror movies but I kinda have different standard now when it comes to bad horror movies. I look for things I like and try to focus on that and sometimes end up finding the good in the bad. Halloween II is one of those movies, I like the casting, I don't think that the filming was so bad and again I love the white trash factor. The story line could of used some work and a few thing could have been edited better but what can you do, nothing is perfect. It is by far not one of the best horror films out there but for what it is I love it and it's kinda one of my go to movies if I want something on in the background, if I'm having a bad day or if I'm not feeling well. (Sorry DW I know this is disappointing to you as you read this entry.)

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) : An eighteen-year-old high school girl is left at home by her parents and she decides to have a slumber party. There is friction between some of the invited guests and the new girl, who is better at basketball than they, so the new girl decides to stay at home (which is conveniently across the street from the host's house). Meanwhile, a murderer of five people with a propensity for power tools has escaped and is at large, and eventually makes his way to the party, where the guests begin experiencing an attrition problem, with only the new girl to help them.

Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) : Courtney, the younger sister of the "new girl across the street" in the first film is all grown up now, but suffers from nightmares about the Big Wet Incident. She and the other members of her female rock group go to a condo for the weekend to play music and have fun with their boyfriends. Courtney's dreams are of her sister, who is in a mental institution, warning her of having sex, and the dreams begin to spill into real life, threatening Courtney and her friends as they begin experiencing an attrition problem.

Slumber Party Massacre III (1990) : After a hard day of volleyball at the beach, a teen whose parents are away decides to have a slumber party with her girlfriends. Their boyfriends predictably show up to scare them, but a stranger from the beach is also seen lurking around the house. Soon the group begins experiencing an attrition problem.

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