Thursday, August 11, 2011


1980's Vampire Triple Feature!

Once Bitten (1985) : The Countess has a problem. She is a 400 year old vampire who will cease to look young unless she is able to feed on a virgin three times before Holloween, a week away. She sends Sebastian, her servant and all of her lesser vampires out to find one. Finding a virgin is difficult in Los Angeles. Mark has a problem. He wants to 'do it' with Robin in the worst way, but she wants to wait. Jamie and Russ, Mark's goofy friends convince him to go to a Hollywood pick up spot where Mark meets the Countess, on the prowl. Robin's not going to understand.

Fright Night (1985) : Charlie Brewster believes that his next door neighbour Jerry Dandridge is a vampire. His belief is strengthened when mysterious deaths of girls are reported. When Dandridge confronts Charlie in his own bedroom one night and tries to kill him, Charlie concludes that the monster must be destroyed. But since nobody believes his story he enlists the help of Peter Vincent, the vampire killer from his favourite horror TV show, who is in fact sceptical about vampires existing for real.

My best Friend Is a Vampire (1987) : In Houston, the teenager Jeremy Capello is a normal middle-class boy, who lives with his beloved parents and has Ralph as his best friend. He has a crush on Darla Blake, but he is shy and does not date her. He works making deliveries for a supermarket and is seduced by his sexy client Nora. While having his first intercourse with her, Jeremy is transformed in a vampire. His friend Ralph is mistakenly chased by two weird vampire hunters, Prof. Leopold McCarthy and his assistant Grimsdyke, that believe he is a creature of the night. Meanwhile, Jeremy learns how to use his new powers with Modoc, and falls definitively in love for Darla.


uncle squid said...

The Lost boys would have been a nice addition.

Spook Show Angel said...

Agreed, it's probably my favorite 1980's vampire movie!