Friday, November 4, 2011

I hate the sound of November...

  It's 9:15 on a Friday night and I am sitting on the couch in my pjs wearing a bat blanket watching the Mister play Battlefield 3, I truly need a life. But to be honest we have been doing so much lately that I am feeling a little under the weather and find this way more exciting than being out anyways. I still find it hard to believe that it is already November 4th, I have been in such a hurry for this year to end I think I tend to forget what day it is. I'll be 28 on December 25 and a few days after that 2012. I can not wait as long as next year isn't as horrible as this one, but I would like to by pass the month of April if possible. I usually love this time of the year minus the cold. Who doesn't love eating too much on Thanksgiving and the joys of Christmas. But the closer we get to Thanksgiving and Christmas I dread it more and more. I now will stop boring you with the details of my boring life, moving on...
  The other day I went to Hallmark, which isn't my favorite store to go too since every time I go the old ladies that work there give me dirty looks but I am a sucker for keepsake ornaments, well certain ones anyways. So I decided to go check out the 2011 ornaments in person, sometimes they look good online but not in person and I feel like if I am going to over spend on a Christmas ornament it needs to at least look like it's worth that much. There were a few that were alright but nothing too great until I saw it. They had a little Gizmo from Gremlins wearing a Santa hat. Gremlins is one of my favorite horror films and one of my favorite holiday films as well so I was very excited to find him. I can not wait to put him on the tree. A few other finds from that day was an ice cream sandwich throw pillow on clearance at target and a Halloween Yankee Candle and Halloween dome on clearance at the Great Indoors. Just a few of my favorites finds from this week!

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