The story line picked up right after the original one ended and than it jumps to three months later. Tommy is struggling to come to terms with his encounter with Chromeskull and the lost of his best friend. After a girl named Jess is reported missing the police bring Tommy in to identify a picture of Chromeskull and hopefully help them put a stop to Chromeskulls games. Right after that Tommy goes missing courtesy of the maniacal Preston, a strange guy with a connection to ChromeSkull. Now it's up to Detective King to race against the clock to find her and Tommy before it's too late. I will give this one a 7 for right now but it is possible that it may change once I watch it again.
30 Day Horror Challenge : Day 23 - Your favorite made for TV horror film :
My favorite made-for TV horror film is probably The Dark Night of the Scarecrow. When I first started dating the Mister he introduced this movie to me and I fell in love. I think this is one of the the all time best made-for Tv horror films ever made. The story line is based around a supernatural vengeance motif but not in the boring way. This film was directed by Frank De Felitta who wrote The Entity (another amazing movie). The Dark Night of the Scarecrow definitely has the creepy feeling and you know it's justified and well deserved. I think anyone who hasn't seem this film should take the time to check it out!
you share my love for Halloween! Love it!
Halloween is the best! <3
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