Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9th!

Happy October 9th! 

  I can't believe that I missed another day but to be honest this month is seriously overly busy. I feel like I am going to lose my mind and not get anything done that actually needs to be done. I also feel like I am not getting to enjoy October as much as I would like too. Even when we go out to do fun things we end up having to be in a hurry so we are not getting to enjoy it fully. Plus trying to have a party at the end of the month and something else major going on at the end of the month, the time is just flying by. Yesterday we did take the time to sit down and enjoy Halloween III : Season of the Witch on blu-ray. But besides that we haven't really sat down and watched a lot of horror movies like we usually do. I still have tons to unpack, I am just going to make sure the basement and second floor are off limits at the party so no one knows we have a million other boxes to unpack. I still need to figure out what I want to make and everything else. Well now I am gonna go and try and get a few more things done. I will have a better update tomorrow! 

Movie pick for tonight! 

Night of the Creep (1986) : Two nerdy guys try and  steal a corpse from the campus medical facility  as a prank. They end up releasing a horde of space-leeches, which proceed to infest the bodies of everyone in sight. The host bodies subsequently become homicidal zombies with a penchant for popping in on unsuspecting sorority girls. The town's only hope seems to be a hard-boiled ex-cop who has uncovered the secret link between the zombie invasion and a 30-year-old axe-murder case.

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