Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fangoria Frightfest!

Fangoria Frightfest!

Grimm Love : This is my favorite movie out of the 8 from the Fangoria Frightfest. Once you start watching you get sucked in right away and it holds your attention the whole movie. Directed by Martin Weisz. This movie is based on true events and takes you into the darkness of disturbed minds. In Germany, as graduate student Katie Armstrong researches cannibal killer Oliver Hagen for her thesis. Oliver dreamed of eating a willing victim, and thanks to the internet, he was able to find a volunteer, a young man Simon Grombeck. She becomes obsessed with her subject and ultimately plunges into a lifestyle similar to Hagen's and the thousands of people like him. This one gets a 10/10.

Dark House : This one was alright, def. not the worst movie. It starts off alright, gets a little stronger and then kinda lets you down. I did enjoy watching this but this won't be a go to and watch over and over again kind of movie. I did however like the look of the film, it had this dark but bright look that grabbed me. The casting wasn't the great, but it does have Jeffrey Combs which makes up for that. As a child, Claire Thompson witnessed the gruesome murders of seven foster children by their deranged guardian Miss Darrode. Now 13 years later, she's a college kid trying to make it as an actress and failing. Hopped up on a series of meds which "cut her off from her emotions", her shrink suggests she revisit the scene of the trauma to "take back" her memories and her life. As luck would have it, haunted house entrepreneur Mr. Walston (Jeffrey Combs) shows up to her class with an unbeatable offer. He will pay Claire and her pals $300 each to work his latest attraction for one day. The catch is it's located in the old Darrode abode. Seeing a chance to heal her problematic psyche, she agrees. Little does she realize that the spirit of Miss Darrode still roams the retrofitted home, and is looking to exact some beyond the grave revenge on Claire. I give this one a 7/10.

The Tomb : I just did not get into this one at all. I was kinda excited about this one for the fact that it had an amazing cast and that it was an updated adaptation of the classic Edgar Allan Poe tale The Tomb of Ligeia. But honestly I didn't enjoy this one. I lost interest about 30 minutes in and it felt like it dragged on forever. At one point I just wanted it to end.  Directed by Michael Staininger. A successful writer and scholar Jonathan Merrick falls under the spell of the irresistible, bewitchingly beautiful Ligeia. She's fighting a fatal illness and she will stop at nothing to defeat death her one true enemy, all she wants is immortality. She steals other people's souls and on her quest to immortality she tricks Jonathan into supporting her work, breaking him apart from his fiancé Rowena and pulling him into her dark, mysterious world. They settle down in an old manor by the Black Sea where Ligeia's everlasting presence slowly drives Jonathan to madness. I give this one a 5/10 and that's only because it does have a great cast.

I will get to the rest of the Fangoria Frightfest movies in the next few days! On another note I just wanted to say I am so stoked for Piranha 3D. I am a huge fan of Piranha (1978) and normally hate remakes but this one actually excites me, can't wait!

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