We just watched Big Man Japan the other day and oh my freaking gosh did I love this movie. Brownlog came home one night and was like hey look up this trailer, I did and I was so excited to see it. Well we got it a few days later and it was AMAZING I love me some crazy Japanese sci-fi movies. It starts out like a documentary about this normal Japanese guy and your not totally sure what the deal is. Then you find out he gets these electric shocks that makes him giant so he can fight other giant monsters when they come to attack Japan. He is kinda an outcast just because people don't really understand him. The monsters are so freaking great, I love crazy monsters. I am a huge fan of giant monster movies from Japan. This is just way over the top crazy monster movie that you just can't stop watching, laughing and just like wtf is going on. This is one of those movie we will probley show everyone who comes over and watch it a million times. I will say one thing the ending left me a little unsatisfied. I normally love how most Japanese movies leave you going what the hell just happened but I wanted a little more out of this one. It was just so crazy I just needed to know more. But I did love it so this gets a 9.5. The giant looks like a giant Wayne Static, love it. I didn't want to keep going on and on so if you want you can read more about it go HERE. SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nuthin' but love for the big man! Do you think brownlog could afford to put a logo on his hips?
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