Saturday, July 4, 2009

Peace, No Peace...

Well today is the 4th of July and we of course watched INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! I love this movie to death and it gets a 10 duh. This is in my top ten of movies of all time I love and will always love. We quote this movie at least once a day and talk about it all the time. The cast is great, the acting is great, the story line is great, awesome special effects and so on and so forth. I know everyone and their grandmother has seen this but it is a movie everyone should see a million times.

The other movie of the night was Backwoods. This movie sucked. It gets a -2, can't believe I even finished. Not even going to explain it, I do not want to waste more time on this. I hate most sci-fi channel movies and this is one of the reasons why. They just SUCK most of the time. I think this movie is a pile of crap!

1 comment:

projectmatter said...

two words -"plausable deniability"