The other day we watched Feast 3 so I decided to talk about all 3. I love these movies seriously. Having a new school horror movie that I love this much is amazing. Feast is a great movie this one starts in a bar where these people are chilling and then this guy runs in tells them that these monsters are about to attack them and they have to come up with a way to survive. It is just a cheese and gore fest. So much blood and nonsense, I love it. We actually were really lucky to see this on the theater, they only played it for one night. We have watched it so many times, and are totally not sick of it at all. Then Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds came out straight to dvd, by far this is my favorite. The cheese is way way over the top and I spend most of the movie laughing out loud obnoxiously. It just picks up the day after the other one ends. I don't wanna go in to to much because they are all connected so you need to watch them all. Of course then Feast 3: The Happy Finish came out straight to dvd and it is just as good. This picks up where the second one ends. Sequels usually suck or get worse en worse as they go on. But these are 3 movies that are awesome. They just work well off each other. It is like they made one super long movie and instead of cutting things out they just make 3 movies out of it. They are all directed by John Gulager. The monsters are so great. I just say check them out and love them like I do. They all get a 10 or higher. On a personal note in 2 and 3 there is a tattooed chic and her name is Chelsea Richards. Brownlog and I love her, she is so beautiful! She makes these movies even better then they already are.

Feast Monster

Chelsea Richards
Man I love me some feast and some Chelsea!
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