Monday, May 18, 2009

Movies....I need to catch up haha...

EDIT: When I first posted this I was really sleepy sorry for all the mistakes.

No speed driver picture haha.

Well movies I have watch the last few days are S. Darko, Speed Driver, Tenebre, and Blue Sunshine. I try not to put more then one movie in a post but this is going to be a joint post so I can catch up. S. Darko was pretty good for the most part. Def. not as good as the first one. I mean I did enjoy it, that could have been because the girls were hot but hey. It is sorta confusing, you do have to pay attention to what you are watching and it still can be kinda confusing. But I will give it more of a chance one of these days. For now I will give it a 7.5 out of 10. Now for Speed Drive. I loved this movie. It is a cheesy 70's movie about racing cars and motorcycles, it may sound stupid but it so is not. It was great. I love me some cheesy 70's acting, fake fighting and things blowing up all over the place and they are really blowing up not that fake stuff. This is def. a 10 out of 10. It is very hard to find but if you can find it WATCH IT! Now for Tenebre. After watching Speed Driver we were in an old movie mood so we watched this. It was a great movie. It's an Argento film and do I really need to say more. I loved it. It's a basic thriller and it is awesome. You think about it all through the movie trying to figure it out and in the end your like ohhhhhh. This gets a 10 out of 10. After this we went on to watching Blue Sunshine. AMAZING!!! I love this movie. We have watched it before and watch it over and over. It a movie about a group of college kids who took some experimental LSD suffer the side effects ten years later. See this movie. The acting is great, the music is amazing, the story line rocks and I just freaking love it. See it please. I know my post are not all that great but if you take one thing from my blog watch BLUE SUNSHINE haha. The this past week of movie watching was great.

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